The temple pic is to help make nice pics come up when someone googles "Mormon" images. The more good lds pics out there on the web the more good pics will come up on google images so spread the Mormon love and repost the picture...
Now on to ME glorious ME! Ha Ha Ha!! Wow Jun 9 was the last post MUCH has happened. I moved back home to AR and had a wonderful trip home with my grandparent, my mom's folks. We stopped at Yellowstone and Cody WY. I was reminded again how much I LOVE to travel and I have done a bit of that since I have been home.
In July, I went to Utah with two of my best girl cousins Mandy and Val we met up with my sister Janeen to give her the car we drove out and with my brother Spencer who live in ID, We also met up with Emily; Val's sister and Jeremy one of our many many cousins. I got to go to a setting apart of a man I helped to teach as a misisonary, he was set apart to be a counselor in a Bishopric it was so neat and meant to be, I will always remember that day! The other girls went to Music in the Spoken Word and met Elder Ballard at church. We stayed with my grandma's sister and got to go do some temple work at the temple she works at. We saw like 12 temples and had a blast being together!! It was a great trip!
Then I really looked for a teaching job in AR had some interviews in August...then things got crazy. I spent two weeks up in Northwest Arkansas scoping out the YSA ward and UofA. Decided not to live up that way. So the rest of August was crazy..Quincy and Amy moved so I watched kids, helped move, then helped clean. We had a baby shower for Amy who after 5 boys is expecting a girl =-)
Then September, we had an Open House for Eldon before he left for his misison ,to the same mission I served in SLC-S, UT. Spencer came home we all went to a Sam Bush concert, he is incredible on the mandolin and a good singer (both really but I was speaking of Sam). Then all 5 boys took a road trip to UT while me and mom kept Justin's kids(Amanda had to go home for a teacher conference, she teaches online with the Florida Virtual School). The boys got home and the same day me, mom, Justin and kids took off for Florida where we watched their kids while they went on a cruise. It was a blast! I had a great time playing with them esp swimming with them in the pool. I miss those two!! Oh and Amanda is expecting #3 yay!!
On the way to Florida we pit stopped at my childhood bff's house and her dear mother was there so we had a great breakfast and a joyous reunion. I love the McDonald's and will forever hold a special place for them in my heart!!
What will October bring? A new McKinney healthy baby, we pray. Eldon as a missionary in his mission. It has been so great hearing from him! He is doing so good. He was a zone leader in teh MTC and just had an amazing experience there. We miss him but sure love the good news he is spreading! Me getting hired on permanenetly at ROse Bud School, I hope and pray! I am taking the GRE at teh end of the month to get my Masters in Special Education.
Time sure flies when you are having fun and man have I had fun this summer driving from Alaska to Arkansas to Utah to Florida-- from one end of the country to the other. I love this country and am so blessed to live here with my family!!