Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Institute and inspiration

So as y'all can tell from my writing that I am no grammarian. I am not a detailed oriented person to those of you who are and try to fix my lame excuse for writing, I apologize....I have said this before but just thought I'd repeat it.

I was having a rough go of things: car doing crazy things like not starting for no good reason (unless you count being so darn cold a good reason), issues with the fella I like ( he is amazing but things are moving slow and I am not sure how keen he is on me) I am grateful for the friendship we have and besides girls always have issues, we are always a wee bit crazy right?, school stresses ( 3 IEP's to write and meetings to attend), and not a lot of sunshine (although we are gaining daylight now =0). I went to Institute Tuesday after feeding the missionaries and we watched President Uchtdorf's talk on Hope. It was even more powerful than the first time I watched it.

Our instructor had us write down all the words that President Uchtdorf used to describe hope: words like braces us up, supports, upholds, encourages, refreshes, sustaining, active, firm, carrys us, enthusiasm, optimism, joy, happiness, stabilizing, gladness, protective, anchor, foundation, inspire, was sooooo good to hear and to feel his love and the love of our Savior. We know that our salvation has been planned for and the way made. We just have to hold on to hope and cling to hope...the Hope of Israel; knowing He will keep his covenants he has made to His children.

His concluding words were especially powerful "And to all who suffer - to all who feel discouraged, worried, or lonely- I say with love and deep concern for you, never give in. Never surrender. Never allow despair to overcome your spirit."
Wow! Powerful doctrine. I was really thankful for the Spirit that was in the class and the feelings I felt. He also said that we have the responsibility to make it (hope) an active part of our lives and overcome the temptation to lose hope. I have fallen victim to that temptation. I know that when I chose hope I am choosing the right. Knowing this I plan on making a renewed effort to keep my hope alive and an abiding principle in my life. Pres. Uchtdorf said that "hope is manifest in confidence, optimism, enthusiasm and patient perseverance. " I am striving to let my confidence shine through and to be more optimistic and enthusiastic...the patient perseverance...well.... patience never was a McKinney virtue. =0) but I am working on it.

Alaska is gorgeous. I love going for walks in the morning with Cristi's dog. We found a little lake to walk around and the subdivision has lots of hills for strengthing the tooshy and legs. At the top of one of the hills is an amazing view of the mountains. Obviously, it is dark when we go out but when there is no moon you can see the white mountains against the dark night and it is spectacular!! Saturdays when we go out in the sunshine and it is wonderful. I am keeping up on my resolution to be more active and reach a goal size of a 10. I am down to a 18ish and happy about that.

Driving in the snow can be crazy...the lanes shift all the time and you are never really sure what lane you are just follow the car in front of you or watch out for the car beside and behind you that you don't get in there way. Same with parking no lines just guesses.

Well I got to run but wanted to give a shout out. It is February now one month closer to the end of the school year. And the month my momma was born she is such an inspiration to me. How I love her....and miss her terribly sometimes. Love you momma. ( I am not sure she reads this but just in case)

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