Monday, May 18, 2009

Best weekend

So Thursday night I went with Laney to the temple and we did some initiatorys and then an endowment session. I love doing washings and anointings! Wonderful blessings promised to us there!!

Friday night was our wards baptism night. I did conformations and helped pass out towels. It was a great time. Afterwards a few of us went out to eat and had a great time. We went to a new place. I tried some of Kevin's lamb it was really tasty but the thought of it made me sad. Poor baby sheeps. Kevin also got some creme breulee to share and boy was it yummy! One of my favorites. When we left the restaurant it was pouring down rain and there was a beautiful rainbow!!! I met Erika to go for a walk down on the coastal trail. The sunset was gorgeous. It was so clear we could see Mt. McKinley which is 6 hours north of us.

Saturday I woke up and took Cessna my room mates dog for a walk. We went exploring a little creek. She is so funny. Then I had a stake Relief Society training meeting...or what I thought was a training turned out to be a brainstorming for our stake enrichment activity. It was good to mingle with some of the other sisters from the stake. I recognized some of them from volleyball. We are going to do that next year again. So fun to play on Saturdays with just us gals; it will help the winter go by.

Then I went home and packed the rest of my belongings and then Xiong called and asked me to go to a show with him and some friends. I took a packing break and went and saw Star Trek. I am not a huge Sci Fi girl but I must say I enjoyed the show.

Then we had a ward service activity. We raked some leaves for a veteran who can't. It was good to do some yard always feels good to work hard and see such immediate results. I miss that about the farm. Can't wait to have a home of my own and start a garden. After the project we went and did a fire down on the beach and watched the sunset. I love it here!!! There was a fox meandering around the beach he got pretty close to our fire. He was a curious little guy.

Sunday I slept in. With all the sunshine I have not been sleeping really well. I was sore from all the raking but again so good to feel like you worked hard. I walked to church. It was a gorgeous day! I will miss being able to walk to church ; the new place is too far. I am excited to be living with Laurie and Janell. Janell is here for the summer working for Royal. After church I got to talk to my family on the web cam that helps SOOOO much being able to see them. Baby Daniel was so cute he was smiling at me when I was talking to him. Oh, I can't wait to HOLD him again! Jared and Ann Marie will have a new one by the time I get home. Yay!! I love the babies.

Then Laurie had a group over for one of her delicious gourmet meals. We had roast, Brussels sprouts with walnuts and parsnips, peas with a sauce and bacon, fried potatoes, a yummy salad, strawberry shortcake with hand whipped cream, and brownies. I always do the dishes cause she won't let us bring anything...occasionally she will let me stir something. Living with her is going to be "a treat" punn intended =0). Tuesday evening I will be moving the rest of my stuff over. I took a small load when I went over Sunday evening.

It was just a great weekend ; productive, full of service, sunshine, friends, and family just NICE!!!!

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